NSW Australian curriculum Workshops
Implementing the Australian curriculum provides New South Wales teachers with a wonderful opportunity to integrate exciting and inspiring new resources into their classroom.
Please join us at our FREE workshops where we’ll demonstrate how our new series and latest products, developed specifically for the New South Wales syllabuses, will help you feel confident in making the transition.
Reasons for you and your colleagues to attend
NSW Australian curriculum Workshops
New South Wales, Australian curriculum resources
Explore Jacaranda’s New South Wales, Australian curriculum resource packages designed to help ensure a smooth, successful implementation of the new syllabuses for Mathematics, Science, History and English in 2014.
Digital showcase
Discover how, by harnessing the power of technology, Jacaranda provides you with all the resources you need for online learning, student engagement and purposeful student-teacher connections. Find out how our unique $100 Digital Bundle offers your school a complete digital teaching and learning solution.
FREE resources* valued at over $300 for you!
Each workshop attendee receives a FREE suite of Jacaranda’s New South Wales, Australian curriculum print and digital resources, for one year level for your subject area.